With Socrate's death, reason's martyrdom came about: It ended its existence because life refused to reduce itself only to her. (María Zambrano says something along these lines.)
Seneca the attorney's stoicism pervents him from believing in reason. He doesn't want to be a philosopher, he just is as a response to the violence of circumstances, his relativism turns him into the first modern intellectual. And Unamuno becomes immersed in his paternal figure when San Manuel Bueno, martyr, takes pity on the man-child, flock of the desolate.
Seneca the attorney's stoicism pervents him from believing in reason. He doesn't want to be a philosopher, he just is as a response to the violence of circumstances, his relativism turns him into the first modern intellectual. And Unamuno becomes immersed in his paternal figure when San Manuel Bueno, martyr, takes pity on the man-child, flock of the desolate.
"Death doesn't come suddenly, but, rather, we call death that which is the last to seize us." Seneca.
On many occasions what we do, where we end up was not our decision that, because of cowardice or ignorance, would have taken such roads. Seneca was one more of the pieces molded by the hand of being adrift in the wind, his discovery of the well-chosen piece of reading towards a straight path doesn't correspond with what we know today of the complex neural path, and John Stuart Mille would vehemently deny this without a doubt inp his mind.